Kansas City Zoo Additional Work

Kansas City Zoo
Kansas City, Missouri

PGAV has partnered with the Kansas City Zoo through a period of unprecedented growth and continued improvement to this important community asset. The firm’s initial project in 2006 reimagined the guest entry experience and celebrated the visitor’s arrival with new ticketing and entry gateway, premier animal exhibits, retail and food service venues and the complete renovation of the Deramus Entry Pavilion to provide state-of-the-art classrooms, meeting and presentation rooms at the Zoo’s front door.  Since its initial work in 2006, PGAV has provided master planning services for the 202-acre complex and has designed and implemented multiple premier attractions including the Polar Bear Passage, Tuxedo Grill, Koala Flats, African Sky Safari, and improvements to the sea lion and elephant exhibits. 




202 acres

Master Planning, Architecture, Site Development, Programming, Sustainable Design, Exhibit Design